In view of recent publications that attempt to distort facts related to the America for Bulgaria Foundation, it is important to set the record straight.
- ABF is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical American grant-making foundation working in partnership with Bulgarians to strengthen the country’s private sector and related democratic institutions.
- ABF does not promote politicians, political parties, political activity, or protests.
- ABF does not influence or direct the perspective of grantees, experts, or consultants.
- ABF supports projects and organizations in Bulgaria through an open-to-all application process outlined on our website. All applicants have to be relevant to our four areas of work: Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology; Cultural Heritage and Nature Tourism; Developing and Retaining Human Capital; and a Business Enabling Environment.
The America for Bulgaria Foundation supports transparency and accountability in the activities of any organization or public figure. We are committed to the highest ethical standards in our own governance and administration of our grant-making, to personal and professional integrity, and to transparency and accountability, and expect our partners and grantees to adhere to the same standards.
Although there is no legal requirement, the Foundation, nevertheless, publishes on its website information on all projects and organizations that have received ABF grants. We have done so since ABF’s founding in 2009 and continue to do so.
ABF also follows the internationally accepted practices to pay for external services related to its activities, including expert consultancy, analysis, and participation in various fora.
Working in the nonprofit sector is not a hobby. Whether we call it a nonprofit, nongovernmental, or civil society organization, working in this arena is a professional occupation requiring expertise and continuous professional development just like any other professional position in the private or public sector. NGOs often deal with some of society’s most difficult issues. This type of work is a profession and a passion, and most importantly, it requires dedication.
Some of our projects include the Bishop’s Basilica of Philippopolis; a significant number of tourism projects in Northwest Bulgaria and along the Danube that bring back life, community, and economic development to these regions; Muzeiko Children’s Science Center; the refurbishment of Pirogov’s children’s wards; assistance for emergency hospitals, social services, chitalishta, vulnerable communities, others during COVID; and support for business and entrepreneurship programs, among many others.
We also provide support to projects and organizations helping Bulgaria ensure a Business Enabling Environment. Every business, small or large, needs a secure and stable business environment. There needs to be predictability in order to attract investments and keep them here. Predictability means an unbiased judiciary, independent media, as well as effective anticorruption efforts.
We welcome more media attention to tell the stories of the projects we support that help Bulgaria develop its private sector and related democratic institutions, attract investments, and help keep local business in Bulgaria. ABF supports Bulgarians from all walks of life and in all parts of the country who are trying to fulfill their vision of a Bulgaria that is a good place to live, work, and raise a family.
Our words may be twisted, taken out of context, and used to suggest false equivalence as occasionally seems to happen. That said, it is important to set the record straight.
To learn more about ABF, go to: