Open Calls
The America for Bulgaria Foundation accepts proposals throughout the year through our Apply for Funding Page. We also proactively approach organizations that are independently identified by our staff and initiate projects ourselves. On occasion, we solicit proposals through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Active RFPs and other open calls will be posted here.
Be the first to learn about active RFPs, programs, and events by signing up here.
Open Calls
Currently, we do not have open calls.
The America for Bulgaria Foundation launched the third edition of its Leadership Education in America Program (LEAP) for early to mid-career professionals from Bulgaria. We named the program LEAP — Leadership Education in America Program — because we believe that it will constitute a real leap in the participants’ knowledge and skills.
Candidates have to have a minimum of 5 years professional experience in either business or the nongovernmental or public sectors and be up to 40 years of age. The LEAP program participants will will be conducted in the US (in Boston and New York) over the course of three weeks in June 2025, with all expenses of the approved participants covered by the Foundation. The program is conducted with Babson College, US and the Bulgarian Center for Non-profit Law, the Association of Bulgarian Business Leaders in Entrepreneurship (ABLE) and the Institute for Market Economics.
The deadline for applications is January 5, 2025. Details about the leadership program and the application process can be found on the LEAP webpage:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation, in partnership with the Dimitrovgrad Municipality and History Museum, announces an open call for proposals for the creation of a contemporary spatial and creative design and presentation of the permanent exhibition of the Dimitrovgrad History Museum.
The call is open to legal entities, which should form the necessary team of designers, curators, scientists, technology specialists, communication/marketing experts, copywriters, other relevant experts, at their discretion. They must meet all regulatory requirements applicable to the contractor and designer, including the necessary permits, registrations, licenses, payment of taxes, etc.
Application deadline: 7 February 2025.
Detailed information can be found on the competition website (in Bulgarian).
Past Opportunities
The America for Bulgaria Foundation has launched the fourth edition of its Science with a Future request for proposals (RFP). This RFP invites project proposals in social-impact areas such as sustainable development and environmental science from researchers, scientists, and engineers aged 18–40 with applied science backgrounds. Eligible projects must have a tangible and measurable impact on business or address existing public interest issues, with strong potential for practical implementation. The goal of this RFP is to support early-stage scientific projects and products.
The Foundation’s partners for this RFP include the Beautiful Science Foundation, Sofia Tech Park, and the Bulgarian Bioscience Society.
Applications will be accepted until midnight on October 30, 2024
For more information on the RFP, criteria, timetable of the call, and how to apply, visit:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation Announces Call for Projects to Develop Tourism in Northwestern Bulgaria and along the Danube
Deadline for applications: February 10, 2024
The call is open to applicants from all over the country, but the proposed project activities must take place in Northwestern Bulgaria and along the Danube (details via the link below).
Applicants must be legal entities registered in Bulgaria – tourist associations, owners of guest houses and family hotels, micro, small and medium-sized businesses offering tourism products and services, nature parks, museums, community centers, NGOs and consortia of organizations.
For more information: Развитие на туризма в Северозападна България и по Дунав ( (in Bulgarian)
The family home of the Patriarch of Bulgarian literature, Ivan Vazov, is getting a makeover! A new request for proposals by the Ivan Vazov House Museum – Sopot, Sopot Municipality, and the America for Bulgaria Foundation is looking to transform the museum visitor experience. Successful proposals must faithfully recreate the atmosphere of the National Revival era and convey the fascinating story of Bulgaria’s literary great and his distinguished family using modern artistic and technological means.
Deadline to apply: May 15, 2024
The applicants should be companies that are required to assemble, at their discretion, a proficient team comprising designers, curators, scientists, technology specialists, communication/marketing experts, copywriters, and other necessary professionals.
Learn what is required of applicant here:
The program will provide nine-month paid digital marketing placements to 13 recent university graduates or requalifying professionals. During the fellowship, participants will gain professional experience at an NGO partner of the Foundation. The fellows will assist in the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies for key representatives of civil society in Bulgaria. Fellows will also benefit from individual mentorship by leading digital marketing experts in Bulgaria. The program will offer additional lectures and webinars by industry leaders. The fellows will be expected to devote 20 hours per week to work in the organization to which they are assigned as well as to participate in all program lectures and events.
The application deadline is July 4, 2023.
The fellowship start date is October 23, 2023.
To learn more about the fellowship and about how to apply, please visit
The America for Bulgaria Foundation will offer up to 18 fellowships to candidates in the second edition of our Media E:volution journalism program. The successful candidates are curious and brave, like to write and believe in freedom of speech. They do not necessarily have to be journalism students or graduates. Applications are welcome from bachelor’s (third and fourth year) students as well as post-graduates from various fields of study, as well as young professionals with up to two years’ work experience.
✅Deadline for applications: May 22, 2023
For details about the fellowship and application process: (BG)
The America for Bulgaria Foundation has launched a third edition of its Science with a Future request for proposals (RFP). Proposals can be in the fields of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and smart technologies. The Foundation is looking for project proposals by researchers, scientists, and engineers aged 16 –40 years, with an applied sciences background in the field of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and smart technologies. Projects must have a real and measurable effect on business and/or address existing problems of public interest, as well as have a high potential for practical implementation. The aim of this RFP is to provide support for scientific projects and products in the early stage of development.
Partners of the Foundation for this RFP are: the Beautiful Science Foundation, Sofia Tech Park, Center for Applied Studies and Innovation – CASI; Professional Association of Robotics and Automation – PARA; Artificial Intelligence Cluster Bulgaria; Health and Life Science Cluster; and the European Software Institute – ESI.
Applications will be accepted by midnight on May 15, 2023 through the RFP website:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation and Friends of the Basilica – Plovdiv, in cooperation with Ancient Plovdiv Municipal Institute, have launched a request for proposals (RFP) for the development and implementation of educational programs and events at the Bishop’s Basilica of Philippopolis in Plovdiv. The RFP aims to encourage the visits of children and students to the Basilica through new programs, creative workshops, games and other educational activities to learn more about the rich cultural heritage of Plovdiv and Bulgaria.
The project proposals should be related to creating and conducting workshops, games and activities in the fields of history, natural sciences, applied arts, literature, design and architecture for up to 12 months. Applicants must be legal entities registered in Bulgaria, including public and private organizations and companies offering educational programs and events.
The application deadline is February 28, 2023.
For more information:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation launched its new Leadership Education in America Program (LEAP) for early to mid-career professionals from Bulgaria. “We named the program LEAP — Leadership Education in America Program — because we believe that it will constitute a real leap in the participants’ knowledge and skills,” said Desislava Taliokova, ABF’s executive director.
Candidates have to have a minimum of 5 years professional experience in either business or the nongovernmental or public sectors and be up to 40 years of age. The Foundation, in partnership with Babson College, US, will offer up to 15 applicants the opportunity to take part in the leadership program LEAP will be conducted in the US (in Boston and New York) over the course of three weeks in April-May, 2023, with all expenses covered.
The deadline for applications is November 7, 2022. Details about the leadership program and the application process can be found on the LEAP webpage:
The Digital Marketing for Worthy Causes 2.0 fellowship program of the America for Bulgaria Foundation will provide nine-month paid digital marketing placements to 12 university students, recent university graduates, or retraining professionals.
During the fellowship, participants will gain professional experience at an NGO partner of the Foundation. The fellows will assist in the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies for key representatives of civil society in Bulgaria.
Applications should be submitted by August 31, 2022. For more information:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation launched its new Media E:volution Journalism Fellowship Program. The program is open to applications from third and fourth-year university students from various fields (Journalism and Mass Communications, Economics, Business, Finance, Political Science, European Sciences, Law, other), as well as young professionals with up to two years professional experience. Candidates need to have an interest in writing, media and freedom of speech. One of the focus areas will be business journalism.
The application deadline is April 30, 2022.
For details:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation announces a request for proposals (RFP) for the development of rural tourism in Northern Bulgaria. The RFP is held in partnership with the Embassy of Italy in Bulgaria, the Italian Trade Agency, Foundation, Devetaki Plateau Association, and Traventuria.
The call is open to applicants from across the country, but project proposals must offer tourist products and services in at least one of the following areas in Northern Bulgaria: Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Lovech, Pleven, Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Targovishte, Razgrad, Shumen, Silistra, and Dobrich.
The deadline for submitting applications is February 15, 2022. More information (in Bulgarian) can be found on the RFP webpage:
An explanatory webinar will be held on January 19 and livestreamed on the Foundation’s Facebook page (FB: @us4bg).
The America for Bulgaria Foundation, in partnership with Vratsa Municipality and the Regional History Museum (RHM) of Vratsa, announced a call for proposals for the contemporary artistic and spatial redesign and presentation of Vratsa RHM’s “Thracian Treasures” standing exhibition.
Applicants are free to choose the experts they would need and form a team. It may consist of designers, architects, curators, scientists, IT specialists, communication /marketing experts, copywriters, and others.
The participants must present a concept with visualizations of the proposed design of the exhibition space, a presentation of the exhibits and related content (e.g. information boards, interactive content, virtual reality elements, audio guides, videos, etc.) for visitors of different ages and levels of knowledge.
The application deadline is August 27th, 2021.
The aim of the call is to transform the Thracian Treasures exhibition into a modern and interactive exposition, in accordance with the world’s leading museum standards and offering visitors of different ages, nationalities and levels of knowledge an unforgettable experience.
For details about the call for proposals, visit:
The Agora Platform, in partnership with the America for Bulgaria Foundation, will fund project proposals that will contribute to the development of philanthropy at the local level, by reviving the culture and tradition of giving, instill an appreciation for it among the younger generation, and providing incentive for cooperation among civic organizations, local government and businesses.
Deadline for applications: May 26, 2021
For further details about the call for proposals, please visit:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation has launched a second edition of its Science with a Future request for proposals (RFP). Proposals can be in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, and new technologies. The new RFP is part of the Foundation’s Next 10 Program in support of ideas that matter in the next ten years. The Foundation is looking for project proposals by researchers, scientists, and engineers aged 16 –40 years, with an applied sciences background in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, and new technologies. Projects must have a real and measurable effect on business and/or address existing problems of public interest, as well as have a high potential for practical implementation. The main goal of this RFP is to provide support for scientific projects and products in the early stage of development.
Applications will be accepted until 5 pm on April 15, 2021, through the RFP website:
The Digital Marketing for Worthy Causes fellowship program of the America for Bulgaria Foundation will provide nine-month paid digital marketing placements to ten students, recent university graduates, or retraining professionals.
During the fellowship, participants will gain professional experience at a media or NGO partner of the Foundation. The fellows will assist in the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies for key representatives of civil society in Bulgaria.
Applications should be submitted by April 18, 2021. For more information:
The America for Bulgaria Foundation launched its new program The Next 10: Supporting Ideas that Matter in the Next Ten Years in 2020 with four requests for proposals (RFPs) worth a total of BGN 2 million. The aim of the Next 10 program is to support project proposals of Bulgarian organizations and associations towards strengthening the private sector and democratic institutions in the country.
The deadline for submissions was October 25, 2020, and the approved projects were announced on December 7, 2020. For more information on each RFP, see the respective webpage below.
The competition is open to applicants from all over the country, however, project activities must be carried out in the northwestern part of Bulgaria, on the territory of at least one of the following regions: Vidin, Vratsa or Montana. For more information: [email protected]
Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2020
The Bulgarian Donors Forum, America for Bulgaria Foundation, the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria and the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria united efforts to establish the “United against COVID-19” Response Fund to support local communities across Bulgaria during the COVID-19 crisis. The fund provided financial assistance to Bulgarian organizations working with communities most severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak. For more information here.
Deadline for submissions: April 27, 2020