Project Database

February 2020 – February 2022
Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology

BASE - Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Mountain of Orpheus
Magna Natura Association

BGN 55,000

Magna Natura Association is an organization working in the field of green entrepreneurship and tourism. The Business Academy for Starting Entrepreneurs (BASE) Program is а thirteen-week training program designed to enable small business owners and budding entrepreneurs to obtain financial success by starting and operating successful businesses that provide jobs and improve communities. The program is supported by professional trainers and mentors with a business background. The grant will allow Magna Natura to train two groups of participants in the town of Smolyan with a focus on tourism development. The expected number of participants in the two groups is 50 people, with 20 of them expected to develop and present their own business plans.

We are performing technical maintenance on our website and the project database will not be accessible until 4 pm today.