That’s the question that mediators in Bulgaria most often get asked when they talk about their work.
Mediation is a method of dispute resolution that is facilitated by an impartial expert called a mediator. The best thing about mediation is that it helps to avoid court action (and all the costs and problems associated with that) and, in addition, to maintain normal human relationships.
Promoting this alternative dispute resolution method is one of the main tasks of the Centre for Dispute Resolution, which the America for Bulgaria Foundation has been supporting since 2015.
Between 2016 and 2017, seventy-seven judges from throughout the country were trained in mediation techniques. As a result of the training, at courts in Varna, Bourgas and Pleven, there already have been dozens of successful referrals to mediation. Twenty-two court presidents from 16 regional centre cities in Bulgaria also showed interest in mediation, at a seminar with federal judge Robert Levy from New York and Donna Stienstra of the Federal Judicial Center in Washington DC. There is already a national portal with resources for mediation – where you can find the most up-to-date information about the development of this method of solving disputes in Bulgaria.