The goal of our association is to raise good breeds and to enable local farmers to get better profits. The electronic system launched with the support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation is market oriented and serves trade, statistical, and analytical purposes. It stores all the data for meat breeds in Bulgaria and allows for this data to be analyzed. Let me give you an example: we compared two herds in the system – one in the Burgas region and one in the village of Sturgel. The analysis showed that the animals born in the winter gain 200 grams more per day compared to the ones born in the fall. For 200 days and 40 animals, this gain totals a ton and six hundred kilos which is BGN 6,000 more in sales if the cows are inseminated in April. Very simple and quite efficient, isn’t it?
I established the association so that farmers have a source of reliable information and a place to learn how to maintain successful farms and implement modern world practices. Our association has 110 members for whom the electronic system and the certificates we issue are very helpful. The system helps the farmers to plan and think about the future and be prepared for tomorrow’s requirements of the market.
With more than 1,300,000 hectares of pastures in Bulgaria, the potential for veal production is really big. One of the largest consumers of veal in Europe is the neighboring Turkey. However, Bulgaria hasn’t exported a single calf to Turkey. There are many reasons for that – the vet security controlled by the state and the local farmers who are not well organized. Our electronic system can significantly help the production and export into this market in the future.
Andrey Chalykov, CEO of the Beef Breeders Association of Bulgaria.