The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is pleased to announce the 2012 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) for Bulgaria.
The Borlaug Fellowship Program promotes food security and economic growth by increasing scientific knowledge, advancing the transfer of new agricultural technology, and encouraging collaborative research to improve agricultural productivity. It offers training and collaborative opportunities to agricultural scientists, faculty and policymakers. Each Fellow works one-on-one with a U.S. mentor who coordinates the Fellow’s training. After completing the U.S.-based portion of the fellowship, the mentor visits the Fellow’s home institution to continue collaboration.
The 2012 Borlaug Fellowship Program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and is funded by the America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF). The America for Bulgaria Foundation assists in growing and strengthening a vibrant market economy and democratic society in Bulgaria, helping the country to realize its full potential as a successful, modern European nation. Founded in 2008, the ABF is a successor to the Bulgarian American Enterprise Fund, an investment fund created by the U.S. government acting through the U.S. Agency for International Development. The ABF seeks to enhance the longstanding legacy of goodwill and friendship between the American and Bulgarian people and through many of its programs, to promote the US – Bulgaria people-to-people contacts and exchange of ideas and resources. The grants provided by ABF build on the legacy of goodwill and friendship that exists between the American people and the citizens of Bulgaria.
The application deadline for the 2012 Borlaug Fellowship Program for Bulgaria is February 28, 2012.
- Provide early to midcareer agricultural research scientists, faculty and policymakers with one-on-one training opportunities in any agriculture-related field (see targeted research area below for this country);
- Provide practical experience and exposure to new perspectives and/or technologies that can be applied upon completion of the program in their home institutions;
- Foster increased collaboration and networking to improve agricultural productivity and trade;
- Facilitate the transfer of new scientific and agricultural technologies to strengthen agricultural practices; and
- Address obstacles to the adoption of technology such as ineffectual policies and regulations.
Targeted Research Areas:
1. Agricultural Market and Policy analysis
2. Animal and Plant Health and Veterinary Science
3. Food Safety/Biosafety
4. Advanced Agricultural and Food Technology
5. Forestry Science
Length of Fellowships:
Fellowships are between six to 12 weeks in length. All program proposals should include goals that are achievable within the timeframe. After completing the U.S.-based portion of the fellowship, the mentor visits the Fellow’s home institution for up to 10 days to continue the collaboration.
Eligibility Requirements:
Candidates will be evaluated, interviewed and selected based on the following criteria:
- Citizen of Bulgaria;
- Good working knowledge of the English language;
- Holds a master’s degree with a minimum of two years of practical experience;
- Currently employed by a university, government, research institution and/or other institution with the intent to continue working in the home country for a minimum of two years following the return from the United States;
- Early to midstage of professional career; and
- Experience and focus in one of the targeted research areas;
Application Requirements:
Eligible candidates are invited to submit the complete application including the following attachments no later than February 28, 2012.
Submitted applications should include:
- Application form
- Program proposal (2-3 pages)
- Signed approval of the applicant’s home institution
- Two letters of recommendation
- Official copy of transcript of college degrees
- Copy of passport identification page
- One passport sized photo
Please include all application materials in one PDF document. Interviews for applicants who pass the initial screening will be held in late March 2012.
Contact Information:
For questions relating to the application process and to submit an application, please contact:
Mila Boshnakova:
E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 939 57 20, 939 57 74
Alexander Todorov
E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 939 57 74
United States Embassy
Office of Agricultural Affairs
16 Koziak St.
1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
For additional information about the Borlaug Fellowship Program, please contact the USDA/FAS Coordinators for the 2012 Borlaug Fellowship Program for Bulgaria:
Lisa Wendel: [email protected]
Catherine Chesnutt: [email protected]
Or visit the Borlaug Fellowship Program website: