The Assen Dynasty monument in Veliko Turnovo turned into an event for lovers of jazz on July 6 – 8 at the 10th Annual Jubilee Dixie Jazz Fest. The Spanish Quartet, inspired by Ray Bradbury’s story; a French quartet with a Bulgarian connection, driven by unrivaled rhythms; strong artists projects linking jazz and folklore; stylish big bands and Dixie for the soul!
But it wasn’t just for adults and it wasn’t just music…Jazz for children, a photo exhibition of past festivals, a jam session and a Dixieland parade on the streets of the old capital, complemented the atmosphere with the feeling of a real jazz celebration.
The festival is organized by the Dixie Jazz Fest Foundation thanks to the support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation and the Veliko Turnovo Municipality. Admission to all performances at the 10th Dixie Jazz Fest were free-of-charge.
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