Can you find the village of Turun on the map of Bulgaria? ABF can because the village of Turun now has one of its Schools of the Future. Near Smolyan, the village is home to about 700 people. While Turun may not be on the normal tourist route, there is a new site to see…the Stoyu Shishkov School.
Stoyu Shishkov School opened the Rhodopes’ first Center for Project-Based Training. It is part of America for Bulgaria Foundation’s program, “Schools of the Future”. The future of education includes modernizing the Bulgarian school, but to do so, schools must prepare and present their projects and fundraise 25% of the cost to implement their vision. The positive impact on local communities which pull together their efforts and resources goes well beyond the improved school structure. So far, 68 schools with nearly 50,000 students and teachers are involved in “Schools of the Future”.
But let’s get back to the school in Turun. More than 60 children from the surrounding area study at the Shishkov School and Turun’s people are the ones who make the real change. When it comes to education, this means the directors of the schools and the teachers themselves. This is true at Turun school – its director Diana Dimitrova is the engine of change and innovation – she personally committed herself to the long-term qualification of the teachers, the two modern computer rooms, three interactive boards, laptops and multimedia projectors for all classrooms. The average school success rate is grades between a very good 5.05 and an excellent 5.57.
Diana Dimitrova was recently honored with the St. Ivan Rilski award for the great results she has achieved professionally and in her contribution to education. The award was personally presented by Education Minister Krassimir Vulchev at a ceremony at Rila Monastery on May 11. Bravo, Mrs Dimitrova!
You can see the video HERE.