Ladies and gentlemen from all Bulgaria! The national spelling champion of the country is…
Lyubomir Yanev is 13 years old from school Meridian 22 in Sofia.
More than 6,600 children took part in the 7th national spelling competition Spelling Bee this year. 30 of the best and talented students reached the final and on 6 May (St. George’s day) competed for the title in Hilton hotel. The best among them was Lyubomir Yanev, a seventh-grader from private school Meridian 22 in Sofia who didn’t bend under the most complicated words and completely deserving conquered the title of National spelling champion for 2017.
“Spelling Bee” is a traditionally American contest in which participants have to spell out words, letter by letter, out loud, in English. The competition was held in Bulgaria for the first time in 2011, an idea implemented by Peace Corps volunteers. Thanks to the America for Bulgaria Foundation, the contest is involving more and more students from all over the country. When it first was held in 2011, a total of 1,020 pupils from 42 locations were involved, while today there are nearly 7,000 participants from 304 schools in 154 cities, towns and villages. Among the 30 finalists, there are children from the villages of Draginovo, Marikostinovo, Rousse, Kyustendil, Gotse Delchev, Breznik, Velingrad, Haskovo, Kozloduy, and Karlovo, among others. The Spelling Bee is organized by the CORPluS Corps for Education and Development, with the financial support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation and the US Embassy in Bulgaria and is under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Spelling Bee teaches students more than just flawless spelling in English. This year, the competition’s slogan is “Be Good to Others” and February was declared a “Month of Good Deeds.” The organizers encouraged students not only to think, but also to find people in need of help, care or attention and to do something good for them… no matter how small or large their efforts.