The United Nations will award the Trust for Social Achievement in the “Exclusive Contribution” category for its program “Urban Planning – Everybody Wins,” implemented in three Bulgarian municipalities – Kyustendil, Peshtera and Dupnitsa. The official ceremony will be on October 30, 2017 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
This is an annual global recognition in its eleventh consecutive year by the Global Forum on populated areas and endorsed by the United Nations Environment Program. It distinguishes organizations around the world for contributing to the achievement of United Nations sustainable development goals and promotes their work and innovative approaches.
“Our initiative to improve the housing conditions of economically vulnerable communities will help nearly 1,800 families from the three municipalities to achieve security and stability and economic independence. The high appreciation of the international community encourages us to continue to work with optimism and faith,” said Sarah Perrine, CEO of the Trust for Social Achievement.
The awarded project promotes slum regulation, access to land, basic services, and infrastructure, and urban legislation. Moreover, TSA’s work to zone and legalize Roma neighborhoods includes community-based action groups, introduction of green and public spaces into urban planning and access to basic services such as safe drinking water, sewage systems, and waste removal. These are important first steps toward the creation of socially inclusive, resilient, and economically prosperous towns and cities.
The first important result is an urban plan regulating the Roma neighborhood of Iztok in Kyustendil, with a population of over 8,000. The Trust for Social Achievement (TSA) was created in 2012 by America for Bulgaria Foundation, which finances its activity. TSA focuses its work on supporting initiatives for early childhood development, education and economic autonomy of economically disadvantaged communities.