Joel Salatin, the eco-friendliest farmer in the world, supports clean, non-industrial and sustainable food production and all techniques that exclude the use of chemicals and GMO. His approach is to give animals access to the Earth’s resources. His family-run farm in Virginia, USA supplies 4,000 families, 10 stores and 50 restaurants with natural foods.
The entrepreneur’s innovative, integrated livestock system has made him world-famous. He has also written dozens of books and starred in the movies “Food Inc.,” “American Meat,” and “Fresh.”
Joel Salatin was named the best farmer in the world by TIME magazine. The “rock star of agriculture,” as he is called, shared his philosophy and experience with Bulgarians between September 28 and 30 on the invitation of Philip Harmandjiev, founder of the Bulgarian farm “Chiflik Livadi” and with the support of America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Salatin also held two master classes in Sandanski for beginners, current, or future farmers. He shared how to start and develop a farm in the first five years, how it is budgeted, how to integrate different systems for maximum effect, fertility and yield, etc. The bio-farmer also gave valuable tips on marketing, forming co-ops and building a customer network. In Sofia, he told us where our food comes from, who produces it and how to prepare it. The best organic farmer also shared his innovative ideas and answered the questions of his Bulgarian counterparts at an informal dinner.
The Humble Beginnings of Bio-farmer Number 1
In 1961, William and Lucille Salatin decided to move to Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, where they bought the most neglected, decrepit farm and rebuilt it using only traditional techniques. For a long time, people thought the Salatins were very strange, but today the whole family still works on the farm, which has become an ecological oasis and a shining example of non-industrialized agriculture.
CLICK HERE for video with Joel Salatin’s advices.